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Ordaining bishop

Consecration bishop in Skálholt

The consecration bishop's district in Skálholt includes 6 dioceses, which are Southern diocese, Kjalarness diocese, Reykjavík western and eastern diocese, Vesturland diocese and Vestfjörður diocese.


Kristján Björnsson

Associate Clergyperson

The consecrated bishop in Skálholt is Rev. Kristján Björnsson. He was ordained a bishop at the Skálholt festival on July 22, 2018 by Frú Agnesi M. Sigurðardóttir, the bishop of Iceland in the presence of a large crowd.

Detailed information about the life and work of Sr. Kristjáns can be found on the website

Sr. Kristján was born on December 6, 1958 and ordained a priest on July 9, 1989 in Hólum in Hjaltadal by Rev. Sigurður Guðmundsson, consecration bishop. Kristján is the son of Björn Sigurðsson, fv. police guard, and Kristínar Bögeskov, deacon, but Kristín died in 2003.

Sr. Kristján has been a parish priest in Breiðabólstaðar prestakalli in Húnavatn diocese (9 years), Vestmannaeyjaprestakalli in Kjalarness diocese which later was in Suður profastsdemim (17 years), and in Eyrarbakkaprestakalli in Suður provafastdemim (3 years).

He is the vice-chairman of the Dr. Sigurbjörn Einarsson.

In previous years, Mr. Kristján has been the editor of the Kirkjurit, chairman of the Prestafélag hinn forna Hólastifti, chairman of the Prestafélag Íslands, chairman of the consultative committee of the Nordic Presters' Associations and chairman of the board of the Staff Church and has a seat in the representative council of Hjálpartarft kirkja, in the synod, in the church council, in Skálholt's board and in the advisory committee on Iceland's European Union application. Kristján has also been a journalist, a police officer and an employee of the National Park in Þingvellir. He has been a member of Landsbjargar's relief forces since he was a teenager, a horseman and a scout. He has also been a guide for Icelandic mountain guides and elsewhere.

Sr. Kristján completed his official degree in theology from the University of Iceland in 1987 and did postgraduate studies in clinical pastoral care at Tampa General Hospital in Tampa, Florida in 2003-4.

Wife of Mr. Kristjáns is Guðrún Helga Bjarnadóttir, kindergarten teacher and employee of Blátt varv and Barnaheilla á Iceland and guide, daughter of Bjarna B. Ásgeirsson and Elínar Guðmundsdóttir. Guðrún Helga has been working for years with Blátt varm to prevent sexual offenses against children. She is fv. kindergarten director and kindergarten representative. The children are five and the grandchildren are 6 in three countries.

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Phone: 856-1592

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