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Skálholt cathedral

Skálholtsdómkirkja was consecrated in 1963 and is the tenth church that stands there in the same place. The first one was built shortly after the year 1000 when Icelanders converted to Christianity. Before the current parish church was built, significant archaeological research was carried out on the site under the direction of dr. Kristjáns Eldjárn who later became the president of Iceland. Among other things, the stone coffin of Bishop Pál Jónsson was found, which was buried in 1211 and is considered one of the most remarkable archaeological finds in Iceland's history.

In Skálholt Cathedral you can find some of the most remarkable works of art of the 20th century in Iceland; Gerðar Helgadóttir's stained glass windows and Nína Tryggvadóttir's altarpiece as well as items from the church built by Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson in 1650.

The acoustics in Skálholtdómkirkja are considered unique, even on a global scale, and concerts are regularly held there. The highlight of the concerts are the Summer Concerts in Skálholt, which have been held in July every year since 1975.

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